Wednesday, June 8, 2016

We went to the beach!

So we actually do get time off while we're here. We have Sundays and Mondays off to do shopping, sight-seeing, go to church, whatever. Well, this weekend we took a trip to Trujillo!

I was so excited to go to the beach, but then I remembered that here in Peru it is actually fall, not summer. So it was kinda cold. But we still had so much fun! 

I've decided that I like the way the ocean smells. For some reason I like the fishy smell. Oh, and the humidity did fantastic things to my hair! It was so curly! And fluffy! I had some pretty nice beach hair going on. 

I had a lot of fun taking pictures of the beach. It was so pretty! I love how diverse Peru is. It kinda reminds me of Utah in the fact that the nature looks different depending on where you are in the state.

So I can't remember what those boats things are called. But they use a boat thing that is made of out some sort of plant in Trujillo. As far as I know they use them to fish. Oh! Speaking of fishing! Sunday morning we were walking along the beach, and we noticed that a guy kept running to pick up something on the beach. After watching him for awhile, and then staring at the ground, I figured out that he was catching some sort of creature that buries itself in the sand. So I decided to catch one, and I did! So I went up to him to give it to him. His name was Juan, and it turns out that he was catching sand crabs. So for the next little bit I helped him catch sand crabs. Oh, and don't worry Mom, this type of crab doesn't pinch. Juan was so cute though. He had Grey take tons of pictures of us. It was so funny! Juan spoke a little English, and so between my Spanish and his English, we were able to talk a bit. He really was so nice.

If I ever go back to Peru, I am definitely visiting Huanchaco Beach in Trujillo. Even though it is pretty touristy, it was so much fun! Oh, it was kinda weird to see a lot of white people. I didn't realize how much I am used to not seeing white people. In Cajamarca you rarely see tourists. I have only seen tourists a handful of times. But anyways, even though it was cold, I would go back for sure! The seven hour bus ride to get there was so worth it! I just love Peru!

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