Tuesday, November 28, 2017

No English Here

I was the only American at the Thanksgiving dinner we had. It made me giggle. There I was, eating turkey, stuffing, brocoli and cheese potato soup (thanks Mom for sending the recipe), and mashed potatoes and gravy. And not a single word was said in English. But I loved it. One of the members here always feeds us Thanksgiving dinner, but always makes a recipe from our moms. The soup was literally just like my mom's. I was a happy camper, that's for darn tootin'.

It was a pretty busy, normal week for us here. We received transfer calls on Saturday and we found out that Hermana Bravo and I are staying together for another transfer! So I will be finishing her training, and then most likely leaving Valencia in six weeks. I was really worried that I was going to leave, because I still feel like there is so much that I need to do here.

What did I learn this week? Hmmm. I think I learned not to give up. Not to give up on people. And not to give up on myself either. We're all human. And we are all so very imperfect. That's just part of the deal that comes with being human. But I will give you a hint as to something that has helped me out during the rough moments. It may sound cliché, but depend upon your Savior. I'm sure that that sounds so cliché that people have stopped reading. Because how in the world can one man who was born from a virgin understand how I am feeling? For that reason, there is something called faith. Keep reading. Try praying. If you are going to tell me that praying in pointless, but haven't actually trying praying yourself, you have no claim. People tell me all the time that I don't actually know what I want in the world because I am a silly, brainwashed girl that hasn't "experimented" with other things in the world. Well, then. You can't tell me that praying and believing in Christ is pointless if you yourself have not tried it either. I have learned for myself that Christ really does know how I feel, because I have tried praying. And it worked. No one can convince me that I did not get the answer that I got. I may not be able to explain it in words very well, because for me it's like trying to explain to some who has never tasted salt what salt tastes like. I have had too many experiences in my life that it has now become completely, totally, and irrefutably impossible to deny that Christ is my Savior.

Anyways, remember to be kind to yourself. Be good. Try praying. Let me know how it goes. Love you!

-Hermana Clark

Ps- I've decided to start a recipe book of all the foods I have learned to make here. I hope my future spouse and children are happy haha

Monday, November 20, 2017

I'm a Gryffindor

I love being here in Spain. I really just love it. So much. I never imagined myself being here. Or on a mission for that matter. Growing up, I just always assumed that I would go to school and get married. That's what everyone told me. Which isn't a bad thing, either. It's funny how life actually ends up going, isn't it?

I am so grateful that I agreed to follow God's plan for me and come to Spain. And I know that there are people out there who say that I was the one who decided to come to Spain, not God. I am sorry to tell you that you are wrong. I know that believing that there is a God may seem completely and totally impossible, and that praying seems weird and pointless. I can't tell you or force you to believe, it's something you have to try for yourself. People tell me that because I was raised in the Church, that I don't really know. But let me tell you that I do know. I can't prove anything to you, because I am not you. The things of God are things that you need to discover for yourself. Or maybe rediscover.

Not to change the subject, but we have been permitted to have facebook, smartphones, and other technological stuff this last week. And so to go over some business stuff first: I will only be using facebook as a tool to share the gospel. Therefore, I will not be responding to comments, messages, etc. After the mission I will be more than happy to tell you all how cute your wedding pictures are! (Which I did not realize just how many people have gotten married in nine months hahaha) Anyways, I am sooo happy that we have facebook and such now. We can be so creative when it comes to sharing and teaching.

Random stuff from the week: I tried Guatemalan horchata (super yummy), had Thanksgiving dinner with a bunch of missionaries, there was a marathon near our apartment, I taught a bunch of teenagers how to play uno, and we are almost finished putting together a giant Disney puzzle we found in our apartment. All in all it was a happy week :) I hope you all enjoy Thanksgiving! I know I say it a lot, but I really am so very grateful for your support and love. I really couldn't do it without y'all. Eat turkey and take a nap!

-Hermanita Clark :)

Ps- We visited a medieval church today. I just happened to be wearing my Gryffindor sweater. I totally felt like I was in Harry Potter hahaha

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A stranger tickled me

I stepped in dog poop for the first time on my mission. I was doing pretty well avoiding it in the streets for nine months. But this time, I was looking at the phone and not watching where I was walking. It was a fresh one, and so I slipped. But, fortunately, thanks to my cat-like reflexes, I didn't fall fown. Almost, though. It was a close one! Haha

Also this week, we were out in the street at a light waiting to cross. Unbeknownst to me, a lady who belongs to the Jehovah's Witnesses came up behind me. She mistook me for one of her friends, and so she sneaks up behind me, pokes me in my sides and says, "Boop!" Let me explain that I am not used to people sneaking up on me here in Spain. I was so scared for a minute there! I turned around, and she's giggling to her heart's content, until she realizes that I am not the person she thought I was. It was so awkward. But so hilarious. When we turned the corner I just busted up laughing.

We have celebrated a lot of birthdays this week. I have eaten so much cake. I love cake. I also love making cake, and decorating cakes. My companion turned 21! Woooo! We celebrated by going to my recent convert's house and having some cake and empanadas. Then we went straight to a baptism at the church. Six people were baptized, all from 3 different areas here in Valencia. It was such a beautiful sight to see. I love being a missionary!

The lady we are teaching from Peru is learning and progressing soooo much! I just love her so much! I don't think I have ever been so excited to teach someone before. For the first time in her life, she is starting to recognize and feel the spirit. Oh, in other news, we got facebook, smartphones, and some other technology things this week! It's really exciting! I will update you all on how that stuff works next week. Let's just say that I feel so blessed to be able to have what we have in this mission!

Well, I'm going to wrap this up for this week! I love you all! I've been thinking a lot this week about what exactly is my purpose here. I've think I've figured it out better. Anyways, be good! Use your head, but don't forget to listen to your heart. Ciao!

-Hermana Clark :)

Ps- I had to translate part of a meeting yesterday. I think my brain exploded haha

Monday, November 6, 2017

Dad Humor

Have you ever seen the movie Miss Congeniality? You know that one part where all the women have to present their talents? And there is that one woman who sings opera? Well, I heard that opera somg that she sings on the metro this week. Just a little fun fact. Also, on the bus this week, there was a little family playing eye spy. The dad thought he was super funny and said, "Eye spy a car without wheels." The little boy was a wee-bit confused, my companion and I just laughed haha. Dad humor. Also, I learned this week that in Spanish birds don't say tweet tweet, they say pio pio. (Pronounced: pew pew) That just made me think of Star Wars. My mom has always said that I have random thoughts, but I thought y'all might have wanted to hear a few of them from this last week. So there ya go!

This week still wasn't necesarily easy, but it was such an amazing week. We were able to find some really good people to teach. One woman is from Peru! Actually, she's from a city called Cajamarca, which is where I lived while I was in Peru! I definitely don't think that it is a coincidence. She's gonna make us some Papa a la Huancaina! Woooo!

I learned how to chill out this week. Sometimes, we just need to make it through the day, go to sleep, and know that tomorrow is another day. I have never been so tired, but it's a good tired. :) Well, I hope you are all enjoying autumn back home!  I miss the changing colors of the leaves. And just the feel of autumn in Utah. There's an energy about it. Stay safe and keep warm! Love you!

-Hermana Clark :)

Ps- I hit my halfway mark in the mission...