Tuesday, January 30, 2018

My mission got new areas

So our mission is getting bigger! Unfortunately, the Málaga Mission is being closed, but that means that we are getting the areas of Elche, Cartagena, and the Canary Islands. We will be absorbing 80 missionaries in July. It's pretty crazy!

I was able to do a bunch of traveling this week. I went to the areas of Sabadell and Terrassa. It's fun to see how the work of the Lord progresses everywhere. I also just enjoy traveling. And traveling on trains reminds me of when I was little and reading Harry Potter and how they travel to Hogwarts on the Hogwarts Express. Childhood dreams coming true here. But unfortunately no one comes by with a trolley full of sweets.

I think one of my favorite things on the mission is to see how people can change. People really can change. I've seen it time after time. But I also know that change is so much easier with Jesus Christ. It's possible on your own, but it is so much harder. But even with Christ, we have to do our own part, too.

Is there snow back home? The seasons don't change here a whole bunch where I'm at. It just gets cold. I love you all so much. Please be good and safe. Don't do dumb things.

-Hermana Clark :)

Ps- I somehow sat in dog poop the other day... My mission president's wife saved me and gave me a skirt to borrow. 

Monday, January 22, 2018

My future kids

Wow. I can't even really remember what has happened this week. I'm losing my marbles haha. But I did get to go inside of the Sagrada Familia again for free today. So that was exciting. We also went and watched the sunrise at Park Güell. I just love being outside with nature and stuff. Makes me feel a bit at home. I miss the quiet. I have been in big cities my whole mission. I've come to love cities, but man, I really miss the quiet of the country.

I've been thinking about how much I have changed since I started my mission (almost 1 year ago, yikes...), and I really hope I have become a better person. I remember thinking when I first came out, that all I wanted was to be a good missionary. I just want to be a good missionary. I just want to be a good person. I just want to be a good mom someday. I've been realizing my potential and how much I had been under-selling myself. I can literally do anything if I work hard enough.

Well, we have seen so many miracles with the work here! We have been finding some amazing people. I love getting to know all of the people here. I really just love it. Not much time today. Be good! Be happy! Read a book or something :)

-Hermana Clark :)

Ps- An elderly Spanish woman told my future with a pendulum and apparently I will be having four kids. Two girls and two boys.

Monday, January 15, 2018

I can't think of a title today, sorry

My goodness gracious so many things have happened. Leaving Valencia was sad, I have so many good friends there. I cried a lot. I said goodbye to my "Grandpa in Valencia" and that was sooo hard. He's been sick lately, and that was probably my last chance to see him alive. He has just taken care of the hermanas so much. When I walked away from him I just started to ball. I love him a lot.

I am loving the work here in Barcelona! I am actually only a few metro stops away from my first area of Hospitalet. And on Saturday we went to a baptism in the church, and a family from Hospitalet was there!! We just hugged and cried. I think I can officially say that I have become a crier on the mission, and I'm fine with that haha.

There are sooooo many Peruvians where I am at. I loooove it! I talk about Peruvian food all of the time! It's soooo fun! Anyways, I am super happy to be here in Barcelona, and I am hoping that I get to be here for a good while! My companion is just so wonderful and sweet. We are literally laughing all of the time. Unfortunately, she is finishing her mission next month. So I'm only gonna get one transfer here with her.

I hope you are all happy at home! Be good! Be safe! Be kind! I love you all!

-Hermana Clark

Ps- I've decided that since I'm in Catalunya, I want to try and actually learn Catalán.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Barcelona Baby

Well I have been moved out of Valencia and I am in Barcelona now! I did not realize how much I missed Barcelona and Catalunia. It feels so good to be back.

My area is in the center of Barcelona. I can see the Sagrada Familia from my study room window. I went from seeing the dolphin show from my window everyday in Valencia to seeing the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, so I don't mind haha.

Don't have a lot of time tonight, but just know that I am so excited to get working here in Barcelona! Saying goodbye to all my friends in Valencia was so hard and I cried a lot, but it is was a good sad. I will update you all on that later. I love you all!!

-Hermana Clark :)

Ps- I think I will forever be a city missionary haha

Monday, January 1, 2018


Not much time this week, but I was listening to a song today, and it said something like, "I didn't come here to earth to compromise." Don't forget your potential! Don't give up! Don't do things half way. You were put here on earth to succeed gloriously! Instead of trying to say something all poetic, I'm just gonna say don't be lazy.

I love the New Year!!! I've really come to love setting and reaching goals since I have been in the mission. About 9 months ago or so, Hermana Dayton taught us how to create our own personal mission statement. It took me a few months to make mine, but I want to revise it and change some things. My life is different now, so I need to edit it.

Anyways, be good. Eat some chocolate. Be happy. Don't be lazy. Read your scriptures. Enjoy the weather. Take a break and go to the pet store and look at the cats and dogs. (I love doing that.) Remember that Heavenly Father loves you. Don't forget that a young girl is out here in Spain praying for you and rooting for you. I love you!

-Hermana Clark :)

Ps- I got to hold a really cute puppy. It was like holding a puffy cloud of happiness.