Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Oh boy! Oh boy! This week was sooo much fun, hard, but fun! But first thing first, Happy Fourth of July!!! Wooooo! Our preparation day was today, and so we celebrated by having a barbeque! It was literally the best! Ribs, chips, hotdogs, watermelon, fruit, soda, and chicken. Just your typical American stuff. But it was soooo much fun! I really am grateful for American, though. Without the religious freedom, the Church wouldn't have been restored in the way that it has. So I am very grateful for that. I won't go into too much detail, but it's interesting being an American here in Spain. I've learned a lot about so many different cultures, religions, countries, and people. It's definitely given me a perspective on things. In the end, we are all brothers and sisters.

Speaking of cultures and stuff, it's time that I give you all a food update. Most of the people who live in my area are immigrants from other countries. We get to experience food from so many places. I love it! (And yes, for those who are wondering, I have gained weight haha. Woopee!) So far I have eaten food from Spain (obviously haha), Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Honduras, Colombia, Venuzuela, Nigeria, Uruguay, England, Pakistan, Argentina, Paraguay, and the Dominican Republic. I have a complete photo album of just pictures of food haha.

The work here is a bit harder in the summer because all the people who live here are always working because there are a million tourists. Where I live and work is technically in Barcelona, and so most of the people who live here are working to support the influx of tourism during the summer. But we're still here working, because we know our purpose. So we're alright :) Because of this, we are spending a lot of time outside contacting. I am getting sooo tan haha. I'm actually the same color as some of the Spaniards.

I love you all soooo much! Have a wonderful week! Remember that you are never alone. And remember that family is the most important thing. Love your family. Serve your family. I have seen so many broken families here. It breaks my heart. If something is going on, just say sorry. Work on it. The pain and stress isn't worth it. I see it here so much. So much. Love your family. Serve your family. Tell your family that you love them. There is a family here, and the father is dying of cancer. They have tried everything. He is probably going to pass away while I am here. Love your family! They are everything! We may fight and bicker, but we need to overcome these things. Think of yourself less. I'm sounding like a broken record, but I'm serious. Love your family. The anger, stress, and worry is not worth it. It's never worth it.

-Hermana Clark

Ps- I'm starting to learn Catalán now. It feels like I'm talking with a mouthful of water

1 comment:

  1. Ps- I'm starting to learn Catalán now. It feels like I'm talking with a mouthful of water
    ...Now we talk ! Som-hi !
