Thursday, September 22, 2016

88 Easy Hairstyles for Sister Missionaries

Hey! I don't know about you, but I'm not super creative when it comes to hairstyles. So I cheat and use Pinterest and Youtube all the time. Seriously. I really love Pinterest.

While on my mission, I won't have access to Pinterest or Youtube. So.... I made a book of 88 different hairstyles! I mean, I could have done 90 or something, but 88 sounded good enough I guess...

All of the hairstyles are quick and easy. Nothing hard or complicated here! There are also useful hair tips and hacks in there too.

I really wanted to share this with you guys, so here is how to make your own Sister Missionary Hairstyles Book! It's super easy! All you really need to do is cut and glue, I've done everything else for you :)

Stuff you need:
-Spiral-bound notebook
-Printed hairstyles pages
-Tabs for organization (if you want to be organized)

First, you're gonna want to print all the hairstyles. Click here to print them! In the top right-hand corner there is printer button. Make sure you print them portrait style, and not landscape. Otherwise, the pictures will get all messed up. Also, when I printed mine, to save on ink, I changed my printing properties settings. There are the options of best, better, and draft. I clicked on "draft" for my pictures. It doesn't use as much ink, but you can still see the pictures clearly.

After you've printed the pictures, you can start cutting and gluing! I've organized the pictures into different categories for you. So that way, if you wake up feeling like you want to braid your hair, but can't decide what kind of braid you want, boom! You can flip to the braids section and make your choice! Unfortunately, I didn't think of organizing mine into categories until I had already glued all the pictures in. So... This is a nice perk for you to have!

Also, I recommend using a spiral-bound notebook. Because that way, your book will lay flat when opened. I would have a hard time doing my hair while holding a book open. I just used an old notebook that I already had. It's a really good size, not too small or too big.

Anyways, that should be it! It's pretty self-explanatory. So have fun and enjoy your new hairstyles book! Also, if you want to save this post for later, you can save it on your Pinterest! There is a Pinterest button at the bottom of this post for your convenience :)

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